Dear friends,Brace yourselves:
A huge update is about to ensue, complete with photos.
I would put them in seperate updates, but then you might only click on one and never see the 3 or 4 before it. because who updates 3 or 4 times in one day?
not me. i save that kind of obsession for facebook.
click the button and read on!
anyway, let us start with Charles Bronson, or Charlie.
steve and charlie are doing well together, with the exception of a few minor altercations that are mostly due to charlie being an overwhelming ball of crazy annoying energy, and steve suddenly turning into a crotchety old fart. (he's not even 2.)
nonetheless, we love him.
here are pictures of charlie.

next up:
husbear turned 26! i made him dinner.
the menu: roasted pumpkin soup.

flautas with homemade cilantro pepita pesto.

apple cranberry crumble.

it took a long time, but was well worth it.

and i also threw him a birthday party.
it was at black bear lodge in manhattan, chosen mostly on behalf of the name.
funny anecdote: in order to find this bar, i googled "bear bar manhattan".
what i was presented with was certainly not what i was looking for.
i pass no judgement, i merely state that bars centered around large cuddly gay men with or without leather chaps were not exactly what i had in mind. so i backed up and searched for "bear THEMED bars manhattan." much better.
here are pictures of my darling's party.

(husbear is shown here shoving cake in jessie's mouth. this is why we call her big jessie.)

(psst- it's a chocolate guinness cake with chocolate peanut butter frosting. ...seriously.)

(in case you're curious- the vE is for von Erck.)
item number three.
my job is still amazing.
here are some pictures of miles being a supermodel baby.

i adore him. i want to eat him, but his mom won't give me the recipe. guess it's some sort of family secret.
and lastly, IT'S OCTOBER!
so we decorated accordingly.
here is a picture of our apartment.

next blog topic: our halloween costumes. going fabric shopping this weekend! ooooo! we'll let you know how things are coming along, and i'll put up some more pictures of our halloween decorating. because it's pretty fantastic.
as always, thanks for checking in!